Nine Heatly elementary students raised $3,736 in the month of March as part of the Ronald McDonald READ Fundraiser (Read for RMHC-CR).
The fundraiser, for readers ages 14 and under, operates in partnership with capital region elementary and middle schools. Program participants choose a reading month, during which they track the time they spent reading and ask family and friends to sponsor their efforts. Donations collected throughout the month are then returned to RMHC-CR. Additionally, participants can gather donations online via personal fundraising pages.
Heatly’s Elementary Student Council selected March as their fundraising month. The nine participating students were: Hope Gagnon, Grayson Heffern, Brady Johnson, Jackie Legault, Conor and Gabby McCarthy, Garrett Thompson, Asa Thomson, and Maverick Wittmann.
In recognition for their efforts, the students were rewarded with a “silly string” event, where they sprayed aerosol streamers onto Acting Superintendent Dan Kalbfliesh.
“The Elementary Student Council is always up for a challenge and the chance to give back. I am so grateful for the 9 students that raised the funds! The students loved the opportunity to silly string Dr. K. He always is ready to support our Council,” said their teacher, Melissa Smith.