Information on fall sports & health physicals
Students interested in playing fall sports are required to complete the sports packet, as well as have a current physical on file in order to participate. Coach Ford will distribute the sports packets, while physical exams will need to be provided to Mrs. Sawyer via fax or dropped off at the school. Both the sports packet and a current physical must be completed by August 7, 2023. Forms can be faxed to the Nurse’s Office at (518) 270-0818 or dropped off at the Main Office. Please contact Mrs. Sawyer at with any questions.
Be prepared this summer with COVID at-home test kits
Covid test kits are available in the Main Office for caregivers to pick up from 7:00AM-1:00PM during the summer (now – September 1). Please note the main office will be closed for holidays. While some of the test kits are marked expired, the FDA has extended these expiration dates and therefore these tests are still valid. These test kits are for your use, whether your child becomes symptomatic over the summer or you wish to test your child before returning to school and/or activities. Testing is NOT required to return to school.
However, if you are symptomatic, please test. If you test your child with either a positive or negative result, there is a link to the google form (Covid Attestation Form) on the district’s website for your convenience to complete. Paper attestation forms are also available at the Main Office.
NYS School Vaccination Requirements
New York State (NYS) Public Health Law Section 2164 and New York Codes, Rules and Regulations (NYCRR) Title 10, Subpart 66-1 require every student entering or attending public, private or parochial school in New York State (NYS) to be immune to diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis, measles, mumps, rubella, poliomyelitis, hepatitis B, varicella and meningococcal in accordance with Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) recommendations. Immunization records not submitted to our school nurse, or not obtainable through the New York State Immunization Information System can result in your child/children being excluded from school.
Please submit current physicals and immunization records to the school once completed with your student’s provider. These can be dropped off or faxed to 518-270-0818 to Mrs. Sawyers attention. NYS requires physical exams be completed on all students in grades Pre-K, K, 1,3,5,7,9,11; annually for interscholastic sports; and working papers as needed; or as required by the committee on Special Education (CSE) or Committee on Preschool Special Education (CPSE). The NYS required school physical form is the required documentation that is needed for your students physical exam.
Please contact Mrs. Sawyer, our school nurse at or via parent square with any questions.