Check back for more information about our upcoming Capital Project!
2020 Capital Project
On Tuesday, Dec. 15, residents approved the capital project proposition by a margin of 52 to 2. This project will provide no tax increase for taxpayers.
Public Town Halls
The district hosted two public town halls where individuals could learn more about the proposed project and ask questions.
View the town hall presentation.
Project Scope: Health and Safety
- A handicap accessible main entrance
- Door and hardware replacements
- Replace CO detectors
- New phone and security system building-wide
- Build a school playground
Project Scope: Building Envelope/Infrastructure
- Masonry restoration at the chimney
- Masonry cleaning and restoration
- Restoration at concrete foundation walls
- Restoration at window sills
- Brick masonry restoration, replacement and repointing
- Eliminate leaks in rooftop units
What is a capital project?
Just like a home, school facilities need regular attention and upkeep to continue to operate year after year as originally intended. Capital improvement projects are a way for school districts to complete a larger amount of facilities work.
How are items in the project determined?
New York school districts are required to conduct regular building condition surveys and to develop multi-year facilities plans, which can help identify aging, outdated or energy inefficient school infrastructure and facilities issues related to health and wellness.
Who can vote on the proposed project?
Qualified voters must be age 18 or older, a U.S. citizen and a resident of the district for at least 30 days prior to the election.
If the project is approved, when will construction begin?
After a project is approved, plans need to be submitted to the state for approval. The approval process can take several months. Construction is slated to take place in summer 2022 if approved.