The Green Island UFSD Heatly School is proud to offer a high-quality prekindergarten program at no additional cost to residents. The full day program nurtures the social development, decision-making and academic needs of our youngest learners in a warm and caring environment.
- School day runs 8:55am – 3:00pm
- No cost to district families
- The Pre-K program follows the Green Island UFSD Heatly School Calendar
- Transportation is not provided

Who is eligible for Universal Prekindergarten?
New York State determines the eligibility rules:
▪ The child resides in the Green Island UFD Heatly School District.
▪ Children who turn 4-years of age on or before December 1st of the school year
in which they will attend.
What is the application process?
New York State requires the prekindergarten program to have a random lottery selection.
- Complete the registration packet.
- Submit the packet to:
Green Island UFSD
171 Hudson Ave.
Green Island, NY 12183
To register your child for the lottery, a parent or guardian must be present with a photo identification at the Main Office.
Office hours are from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m./Summer hours are 8:00 a.m. – 1:00 p.m.
▪ If you have additional questions, please email the registrar,
Angela Legault at or call 518-273-1422
How does the lottery process work?
To be considered for placement, Pre-K applications are available the first week of January. A randomized lottery process will be held to place students the first week of March, if more students apply than available seats.
▪ You will be contacted by the district if your child
has been accepted to attend the district’s Pre-K
▪ There are always changes and the district
maintains an active wait list.
▪ If you apply after the deadline and complete the
Pre-K application and your child will be placed on the active wait list.
Parent Resources: What Can I do?
New York State Office of Early Learning offers many resources/tip sheets that are helpful:
- Reading with Your Child Tip Sheet
- Writing with Your Child Tip Sheet
- Math at Home Tip Sheet
- Helping Your Child Learn about Feelings Tip Sheet
- Talking with Your Child Tip Sheet
Resources from: