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Visible Learning School Certification

Green Island UFSD is proud to be seeking a visible learning school certification! This certification that is part of our overall strategic plan through 2027 signifies that as a school we have demonstrated deeper learning and a continued commitment to implementing the Visible Learning principles. Our ultimate goal is to create and support good learners at Green Island UFSD. We want to teach with clarity, give students the tools to help self-regulate their own learning, provide effective feedback, and teach students learner dispositions that will last a lifetime.

Visible learning is a mindshift in the approach to learning in which teachers focus on instructional strategies that produce the largest impact on student outcomes. Learning becomes visible when students know what they are learning, why they are learning it, and what is the next step in their learning. When learning is visible, students are able to set goals, know how to be successful, know when they are successful, and provide feedback to themselves, their teachers, and their peers. We are teaching our students how to be good learners and what that looks like in the classroom.

Throughout the year we will be sending more information about Visible Learning as well as examples of how our teachers and students are implementing it.

Stay tuned!