Dear Heatly Community,
The start of school is fast approaching! We are all very excited to start the new school year.
Preparing for students to return is a huge team effort and I would be remiss if I didn’t give recognition and gratitude. A special thank you to our custodial and maintenance staff for preparing our classrooms and hallways for our students, our amazing administrative assistants for supporting the logistics and information gathering, and our school leaders and teacher leaders who have spent time this summer planning and organizing what we believe to be an outstanding 24-25 school year. Lastly, thank you to the teachers, who’ve been preparing their rooms and curriculum to provide the best experience for our learners.
Enclosed is the application for the extended day program, the 2024-25 calendar, the September Lunch Menu, and each grade-level team’s welcome-back letters. This spring and summer our school community has worked very hard to intentionally design a school experience for our learners. Our goal is to increase engagement and academic performance because we make the Learning Visible. Part of our strategic plan for June 2027 is to become a Certified Visible Learning School. This certification signifies that as a school we have demonstrated deeper learning and a continued commitment to implementing the Visible Learning principles that support our mission, vision, and goals. Our ultimate goal is to create and support good learners at Green Island UFSD. We want to teach with clarity, give students the tools to help self-regulate their own learning, provide effective feedback, and teach students learner dispositions that will last a lifetime.
This journey together is just beginning but the mission and vision remain the same: Heatly will continue to rise by optimizing the engagement of all school community members to help students meet their maximum potential. How will we do this? By continuing to use data to inform practices that increase academic, behavioral, and social engagement.
To that end, we would like to engage the Heatly Community in creating a group for, “Making School Fun Again.” Our intention will be to examine collaborative possibilities for events, field trips, and enrichment activities for our students. For many years these activities have (for various reasons including Covid and funding) declined. The Board of Education and I have intentionally budgeted funds this year to bring back events such as these. We will schedule our first meeting in late September. More information will be forthcoming. If you’re interested, please reach out to Angela Legault in the main office.
We would like to share with you some important information regarding your child’s new school day:
Starting Thursday, September 5th, your child(ren) will be back to school, reconnecting with friends, spending time in classes and getting to know their new teachers. We look forward to welcoming our new families and we’re very excited to see the familiar faces of all of our returning students and their families.
The following information is the start and end times for all students. It is extremely important that students are on time for school and are present every day. If your child is going to be absent for any reason, we ask that you contact the main office and follow up with an absence note upon their return to school.
Grades | Breakfast service (optional) Students entering for breakfast must use the main doors. | Start time (Students will be marked late if they enter their class after the time indicated below) | Dismissal time |
PreK Entrance is at the north end of the building. | If enrolled in before care: 8:00am. If not enrolled in before care 8:30am. | 8:55am | 2:50pm |
K – 5 Entrance is at the north end of the building. | If enrolled in before care: 8:00am. If not enrolled in before care 8:30am. | 8:55am | 3:00pm |
Grades 6-12 Entrance is at the Main Doors. | 8:30am | 8:45am | 3:00pm |
Breakfast service– Free breakfast will be available for all students every day. If students are formally enrolled in the before-school program that we are offering (please see the included letter from Mr. Kevin Maloney which outlines the procedure for registering your child(ren) they may enter at 8:00am. If they are not registered, after 9/20/24, they will not be permitted to enter school until 8:30am and they are to report directly to the cafeteria. Students will be required to stay in the assigned breakfast area for the duration of the breakfast service. Students do not need to attend at the start of the breakfast service but they must report to class on time. Breakfast service will stop immediately at the end of the service time and students will not be able to leave class to go get breakfast after their official start time. If your student arrives late to school a bagged breakfast will be offered to your student when entering school.
Dismissal time- Grades Prek-2 will be dismissed in the same doors they entered in the morning. Grades 3-5 will be dismissed from the main entrance door. All students in grades Prek-3 must be picked up at dismissal by a parent, guardian, or an adult on their “pick up” list. If a Prek-3 student needs to be escorted home by a student, the main office or their classroom teacher must be notified before the first day of school. Students will not be released to any adult who is not designated on their child’s “pick up” list. Please contact your student’s classroom teacher if you have any questions regarding these procedures.
It is extremely important that students and families use the designated crosswalk and adhere to all traffic laws at all times. Your child’s safety is of the utmost importance to us. Please also note the signs located outside of the school building regarding parking during the arrival and dismissal times.
We are looking forward to being able to continue to offer many wonderful programs again this year to our students and their families. These include but are not limited to the following:
- Free breakfast and lunch to all students
- Free basic school supplies for grades Prek-5 students. Students will only need to provide a book bag and lunch box if needed. Students in grades 6-12 will be given school supplies if needed and requested. Please contact the main office to make these arrangements.
- Devices for all students in grades K-12. Students will be receiving these devices throughout the first week of school.
- District printed calendar
- Backpack and Food Pantry Program- More information regarding these two programs can be found on the District website under the Food Service page.
Looking ahead….Mark your calendars – we will have a Pre-K and Kindergarten ‘Meet and Greet’ on Thursday, August 29th from 9am-10am for our incoming Pre-K and Kindergarten students. We are looking forward to holding our traditional in-person Open House on Thursday, September 19th at 6:00pm. We will be sending home more information regarding this night as it approaches.
The Heatly Staff and I feel privileged to work with your child(ren) and are so happy to be part of this great school family. We thank you for your support and look forward to working with you in the 2024-2025 school year!
Dr. Dan Kalbfliesh
Superintendent of Schools
2024-25 Afterschool Program Information